
Stephen Hawking: “Tuhan Bukan Pencipta Alam Semesta”

Fisikawan Inggris Stephen Hawking yakin bahwa keberadaan manusia dan alam semesta bukan hasil ciptaan Tuhan, melainkan muncul dengan sendirinya. Sebab ada hukum gravitasi, alam semesta bisa menciptakan dirinya sendiri.
Dia mengklaim tidak ada kekuatan ilahiyah yang dapat menjelaskan mengapa alam semesta ini terbentuk.
Dalam buku terakhirnta, The Grand Design, dikutip oleh The Times, Hawking menjelaskan “Sebab di sana ada hukum gravitasi, alam semesta dapat dan akan menciptakan dirinya sendiri.”
Di buku A Brief History of Time, Prof Hawking tidak menafikkan kemungkinan turut campurnya Tuhan dalam penciptan dunia.
Dia menulis di bukunya tahun 1988, “Jika kita menemukan sebuah teori yang lengkap, maka hal tersebut menjadi kemenangan nalar manusia. Oleh sebab itu, kita akan mengenal Tuhan.”
Hawking, dalam buku terbarunya, menolak teori Isaac Newton yang menyatakan bahwa terciptanya alam semesta terbentuk tidak secara spontan namun digerakkan oleh Tuhan.
Stephen William Hawking lahir di Oxford, 8 Januari 1942 adalah seorang ahli teori fisika. Ia putra dari seorang guru besar matematika di Universitas Cambridge.
Dalam kiprah keilmuannya, Hawking terkenal karena sumbangannya di bidang fisika kuantum. Di bidang agama, menurut bekas istrinya, Jane, Hawking adalah seorang atheis. Namu Hawking mengaku bahwa ia “tidak religius secara akal sehat” dan ia percaya bahwa “alam semesta diatur oleh hukum ilmu pengetahuan. Hukum tersebut mungkin dibuat oleh Tuhan, tetapi Tuhan tidak melakukan intervensi untuk melanggar hukum.”

1 comments to "Stephen Hawking: “Tuhan Bukan Pencipta Alam Semesta”"

  • In "The Grand Design" Hawking says that we are somewhat like goldfish in a curved fishbowl. Our perceptions are limited and warped by the kind of lenses we see through, “the interpretive structure of our human brains.” Albert Einstein rejected this subjective approach, common to much of quantum mechanics, but did admit that our view of reality is distorted.

    Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity has the surprising consequences that “the same event, when viewed from inertial systems in motion with respect to each other, will seem to occur at different times, bodies will measure out at different lengths, and clocks will run at different speeds.” Light does travel in a curve, due to the gravity of matter, thereby distorting views from each perspective in this Universe. Similarly, mystics’ experience in divine oneness, which might be considered the same "eternal" event, viewed from various historical, cultural and personal perspectives, have occurred with different frequencies, degrees of realization and durations. This might help to explain the diversity in the expressions or reports of that spiritual awareness. What is seen is the same; it is the "seeing" which differs.

    In some sciences, all existence is described as matter or energy. In some of mysticism, only consciousness exists. Dark matter is 25%, and dark energy about 70%, of the critical density of this Universe. Divine essence, also not visible, emanates and sustains universal matter (mass/energy: visible/dark) and cosmic consciousness (f(x) raised to its greatest power). During suprarational consciousness, and beyond, mystics share in that essence to varying extents. [quoted from www.suprarational.org on comparative mysticism]

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